The Quiz

No. 7: Coming Soon 

Coming soon.


No. 6: Love was in the air 

Newlyweds Geneva & Herman hid in a theater from them & Lon and Irma lost the tires off their car to them. What were they?


No. 5: He loves his greens 

On Memorial Day, most people put flowers on cemetery headstones, but this family members places vegetables.

Who is he? 

No. 4: World traveler

What intelligent family member was born and lived in the same small neighborhood his entire life, but traveled to many places including “places no Subaru has gone before” and this exotic island whose rulers do not allow many visitors and whose ancient currency could never be called “pocket change.” He was also offered a degree from the University of Utah — but turned it down!

No. 3: Tripping on LDS

What missionary spent two years in a foreign land and spent five months getting home?

Answer: I thought I knew this one, but frankly I haven't a clue. However, did you know that since the Book of Mormon was first published in English in 1830 it has since been translated into more than 80 languages?

In Hebrew you can read: ספר מורמון.
In Chinese, you can read: 摩爾門經
And, if you can find one in Russia, you can read: Книга Мормона.

The LDS Church has printed more than 150 million copies of the "The Book of Mormon, Another Testament of Jesus Christ." 

What's the big deal about the Book of Mormon? "Czech" it out: A když vezmete ty věci, já bych vás napomenul, abyste se tázali Boha, Věčného Otce, ve jménu Ježíše Krista, pokud tyto věci nejsou pravdivé, a pokud poprosíte s upřímným srdcem, s opravdovým záměrem, s víra v Krista, on vám projeví jejich pravdivost toho pravím vám, mocí Ducha Svatého.

No. 2: Tribute to our troops

The recent passing of Jim Cox reminds us of how precious life is and how our service men and women dedicate their lives to the cause of freedom.

Many of Leonidas Hamlin Kennard's decentants have served in the military.

Leonidas himself entered the service on Sept. 17, 1861, in the 18th Infantry Regiment Ohio at the age of 19. He was mustered out three years later.

Since that time, at least 10 of his descendants have answered the call of duty -- including the character to the left.

Do you know who he is?

And, can you name the others who have served in the armed services since Leonidas?


Black Hawk helicopters have a storied place in our nation's military history. They've carried troops into the most dangerous places on the planet. But these veritable flying fortresses are more than just soldier transports, they continue to serve our nation in battle, in homeland disaster and in cinema backdrops. But the GI pictured above is no movie star. He's the real deal and -- believe it or not -- he's proud to call himself one of us. Still don't know who he is? Check back soon for the real answer.


You've heard of the "Horse Whisperer" and the "Dog Whisperer." Who in the family married a Badger Whisperer?

NOTE: As far as we know, no animals were harmed during the production of this website, however we must caution you, "Do not try this at home!"


Back in the days of pioneering men when children were still allowed to play with black powder pistols, and Lincoln Logs were still just known as "Logs" there came a man to the frontier.

He was a tough man, with rawhide hands that he used to craft pine tar into chewing gum to sell to wandering pilgrims and French traders.

Softer, more educated gentlemen of that era were known to keep wild dogs as companions. But this stranger preferred a more native creature. The badger, one of God's most fearsome creations, was not a threat to this man of the woods.

For years the frontiersman traveled the woodland trails, the trusty badger at his side.

Legend tells us the two are still wandering the wildland.